Disability Rights Texas is now assisting Texans with disabilities who need information about the vaccine or are having trouble getting it through our new Vaccine Access Program.

  • Are you having trouble signing up for the vaccine on your computer – or you don't use computers?
  • Do you need a ride to the place giving the shots?
  • Is it hard to leave your home and you need the vaccine brought to you?
  • Do you want to learn more about the vaccine before you get it?

If this is your, our Vaccine Access Navigators can help connect you to what you need to get the vaccine.

 Call 1-800-880-8401 Monday through Friday 

 from 9 AM - 4 PM or email vaccine@DRTx.org 

The Vaccine Access Program at DRTx is part of the Texas Partners for Inclusive Access, a new statewide partnership of organizations that are committed to making the vaccine and other services accessible in our state. Stay tuned for an announcement in the near future about this new collaboration.

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